Misti Doi / Sweet Caramel Yogurt

What Is Misti Doi ?
Bengalis are famous for their sweet preparations and Mishti Doi is one such dessert, which is very easy to prepare , if you have all the ingredients in place. The traditional recipe requires boiling and thickening of the milk , then cooling it down and then adding caramelized sugar , the ‘starter’ and leaving it overnight or at least for 6-8 hrs to set. Alternatively you can also keep it in a pre-heated (just preheat and turn off) oven to speed up the process. This recipe will help you to make sweet and creamy Kolkata style Mishti Doi at home.
4 serving

Preparation Time:
5 minutes

Cooking Time:
20 minutes + 4-6 hrs to set

Difficulty Level:

  • Full Fat Milk / Whole Milk – 3 cups
  • Sugar – 3/4 cup 
  • Curd / Yogurt , whisked – 1/4 cup 
  • Water – 1 tsp
To begin making the recipe, place a heavy bottom pan on the heat and add the milk and warm it on a medium heat.
Add 1/2 cup of sugar (leave the rest for caramelization) to the milk. Allow it to dissolve while the milk comes to a boil.
Turn the heat down and allow the milk to continue boiling until it reduces by half.
In another pan , add the reserved (1/4 cup) sugar and place the pan on the heat. Give the pan a shake to spread the sugar in an even layer. Add the water on the side of the sugar. Place the pan over low-medium heat and wait for the sugar to start caramelizing (no stirring at this point). The sugar will starts to melt and caramelize at the edges first. Once the sugar has started to caramelize around the edges, grab a heatproof spatula and bring the caramel and melted sugar into the middle of the pan. Keep gently stirring the caramel to make sure all the sugar lumps are dissolving. Keeping a low-medium heat will prevent the sugar from burning, and you will notice it gradually changes color to brown.
When the sugar is light golden and bubbly , remove from the heat and pour it in to the reduced milk. Stir well until combined.
Let the milk cool slightly. Then add the whisked yogurt, stir well and pour the mixture in earthen pots or glass bowls.
Let the doi/yogurt set in a warm place for few hours. When set, store the Mishti Doi in refrigerator and serve chilled.
Setting in The Oven
Pre-heat oven at 250°F.
Turn off the heat and place the yogurt container in the oven and let it sit inside the oven for 6-8 hrs.
Do not open the heated oven and let the yogurt sit there.
Remove from oven and refrigerate for another 2-3 hrs.
Serve chilled.

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